Monday, April 19, 2010

A Good Deed Punished

I consider myself a good wife. I try to cook, clean and watch my chick shows when the Jonas Brothers' Other Brother (name has been changed to protect the privacy of my husband)works late. However, I think I'm going to stop trying so hard. Right now, I'm typing with three fingers. Why you ask? Well, I decided today I was going to repair my husband's shoes with a little thing called Krazy Glue. (And Krazy it is) It said on the packaging this glue was "slow binding to the skin." I suppose their definition of "slow" is more like a bullet being fired? Or um...a rocket ship taking off?...Or um,hmmm...the speed of light? I Googled "How to remove krazy glue from skin" and found out the first suggestion is: "Don't let Krazy Glue touch your skin." Thanks Google for that sage advice.

I guess it's pretty cool since I just turned 31. Now when people ask me I'm ready to show my three fingers and 1 from my other hand.

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