Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Dummy

I don't usually get all real up in here on the blog, but if you will indulge me for once, I would like to tell the world, I mean, my mom and probably someone from high school, who reads this, why I love my husband on this Valentine's Day:

1. One night we went to the gym together, and while he was putting our stuff away, I jumped on the only available work out machine, which happened to be a stairmaster.  After walking on it for five minutes, my husband walked up to me and said, "Um, miss, when are you going to be off that thing - because it's really busy tonight and some of us would like to work out at some point!"  Before I could tell him to shut up and go work out, the lady on the stairmaster next to me, quickly grabbed her magazine and began to shut off her machine.  She then said, "Um, you can have mine."  Though this situations make me slightly cringe, and they do happen quite often, I also find them hilarious.

2. At some point in our married life the husband started calling me "stupid" as a nickname and for some reason I started responding to it.  One night we were at the grocery store and the husband said, "Hey Stupid, do we need more bread?"  To which I responded, not phased at all, "I don't think so." As I looked up, a woman met my eyes with the most pitiful look I've ever seen.  Not to worry stranger, who thinks I'm in an abusive relationship, that "Stupid" was just from my loveable husband.

3. When the husband comes home I no longer get the first kiss.  Instead, I get to watch a man in a suit crumble every time he gets to say hello to his daughter.  Sure, it's hard sometimes to be number two, and maybe she'll be called "stupid" one day, but's also pretty hot.

Love you dummy.

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